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Building a Great Team

Over years of successes and failures, we have developed a process, both internally and externally, to identify stealer employees. We have an unconventional approach to growing our database of candidates.   Instead of taking on each and every applicant, we carefully vet through them in hopes of identifying the people who are true professionals in every sense of the world, or who we believe have the potential to grow into the best. This is how we do it

1. Get to know the person

Any new hire will impact our organization far beyond the specialized skills they contribute. Knowing each and every clients culture is imperative to finding the right match.  We have each applicant go through an on-line application then we conduct a phone interview and a face to face interview.  Through the course of this process we try to assess who the person is behind the suit and behind the resume.  We ask questions like: “What are you most passionate about? What gets you up in the morning? How do you unplug? What are you looking for in a company?”  These questions help us get to the root of the person.

2. Communicate your company’s values

Internally we understand and embody our values and this is apparent to those who apply with us. Values aren’t just pretty words. They’re the actual guideposts that your team uses day in and day out to make decisions, build your product, and create your brand.
Our mission “To provide the perfect match between clients needs, desires and wants with associate knowledge, skills and abilities.”  This means that sometimes we lose a fill if during the course of the interviews something rattles our confidence in a potential match.  Our vision is that “we do more than just fill jobs we create them”.  We believe that if we recruit the best of the best our clients ultimately want to keep them and we have hundreds of examples of “temp only” jobs going permanent. I encourage all companies to communicate their mission and values to each and every employee and vendor.  It’s an exceptional tool to weed out potential bad hires.

3. Always be recruiting

Great companies are always recruiting and companies that grow sometimes offer jobs to people even when there is no opening.  I know I did this personally and continue to do so when I can. 

4. The best people want to work with the best people

It requires a lot of discipline to keep the bar high. For every open position, we meet a ton of great people before we find the one who has that special combination of intellectual curiosity, technical depth, integrity, cultural/personality fit, passion for the work at hand etc. Great people want to be challenged and supported by great peers. Having the right team is critical to achieving your vision. These principles have helped us find the best people to join our company. How did your company succeed in recruiting its most talented employees? I welcome your comments!


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