May the Force be With You! We all know of the iconic Star Wars line "May the Force be With You." H ow many times on May 4 th did we hear May the 4 th be with you ? Star Wars is a cinematic treasure that has impacted millions of people for many years, and will for years to come. So what did it take to make such a deep and lasting impact? And what can be learned from this movie to assist us in making our own positive impact on others in our daily lives in this 9-5 grind? 1 1. Bring in your magic! Movies offer an escape from reality and a glimpse at the magic we once believed in as a child. We are unique beings with different skillsets, gifts, diverse backgrounds, and come with a unique set of experiences that make us different from others. Get to know your own “magic” and this will bring out the magic in others. Encourage dialogue. Promote uniqueness, offer a safe space for di...