August Accountability
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” -Thomas Paine
Accountability and humility are traits that one might not see as such a tenacious asset to have in the workplace. More and more we hear of a "collective narcissism" sweeping the business world. Some say they are not surprised at this trend, and point fingers at a mainstream culture that supports unrealistic expectations, cutthroat competition, materialism, and self obsession.
I am sure we all have worked in organizations where the daily practices of dishonesty, blame-shifting, and gaslighting are an accepted artform, and clients are treated like commodities.
Whatever the cause of what seems to be an uprising in a culture of blame-shifting and un-accountability..
The house of cards is destined to crumble.
Fostering a Culture of Accountability
Though it seems like an extremely lofty goal, we can assist in creating a collective culture of accountability. We can work first with ourselves, then our personal circle of influences, our employees and co-workers, and expand out to our busniness and make a great effect.
How can we do this?
1. Talk about it.
Discuss personal accountability and the importance of this in the workplace. Be confident to discuss areas of your own self improvement, which opens up a safe space for dialogue from others. Ask questions that bring clarity, and activily listen to your cohorts.
2. Self Awareness
In the workforce you will often see a spectrum of personalities; from your type-A overachievers, to co-dependent personalities who don’t speak up. There are bosses that hide behind their office door, and overbearing micro-managers towering over your desk. Where do you fall on this spectrum? Know your personality style, and take ownerships of your biases, tendancies, and habitual reactions so you can recognize others’ personality style. This brings empathy. Empathy comes from first knowing the self, owning ones eccentricities, learning from them, resulting in a better understanding of others personality quirks.
3. Walk Your Talk
Accountability is a two way street-be an example, and set the status quo. Accountability and ownership is a choice and expression of your own integrity. Accountability, humility, and being able to readily fess up, apologize, and move on from mistakes is not self-deprecating or weakness, it is realness. Authenticity, realness, and honesty are not only going to serve your soul at the end of the day, but also reaches out to others in a very profound way. You have the power to set the standard group behavior by your example.
Our Best ProRecuiter Practices
At ProRecruiters, our recruiters we are teammates and each others’ cheerleaders. All of the recruiters assist one another in helping our candidates get the right job for them, and our clients get the perfect employees for their open positions. There is no cut-throat competition to fill job orders, and only an atmosphere of camaraderie and support, benefitting the greater good.
We also have a culture that promotes open and honest dialogue, and an approachable and readily available CEO that has set a standard of radical self-accountability. We have open and frequent dialogue about our strengths, in turn creating a safe and non-judgmental space for constructive dialogue about areas that we could improve in. This focus on accountability and culture of camaraderie is one reason ProRecruiters has been around for over a decade assisting companies, clients, and job seekers. If you are looking for employment or need quality employees, we are here to serve you!
The Team at ProRecruiters
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