Low Unemployment - Efficient Hiring Process
If you have been unlucky with great job seekers
not accepting offers, perhaps it can be resolved with a more efficient hiring
process. With unemployment being less
than 4% it is imperative that companies have efficient & effective hiring
processes. Hiring decisions are hard and
you don’t want to skimp on your screening process, but dragging your feet can
result in losing great candidates because your competitors have figured out a
more efficient way to handle hiring.
Great candidates that are shortlisted will not wait around for you if a
better opportunity came their way. Here are some ways to be more efficient in
your process.
1. Job Descriptions: They must be well written and showcase why an
employee should chose you. They are also
a target that provides you with the questions you should ask in an interview,
as well as what you should communicate to the job seeker about what you
expect. Not having a properly crafted
job description is like playing darts in the dark.
2. Good timely communication: If you
are working with a 3rd party recruiter, providing fast and timely
communication about candidates you are interested in and candidates you will
not move forward with is crucial. All
too often, poor communication can lead to a “bad brand” for the job seeker and
it will plant seeds of doubt about the strength and efficiency of the
organization. Your communication with
job seekers is a potential employee’s first impression on you. You have one chance to make a good first
impression, make it a good one.
3. Organized interviews: Have interviews organized and
structured. Have a list of questions
already prepared for the professional and take good notes so that you can
compare candidates at the end. It is
also best practice to have a weighting system that allows you to grade
employees: i.e. degree, years of experience, industry knowledge etc.
4. Fast decision making: This can be determined by #3. If you have all of the information you need,
it will help communicate to hiring managers and decision makers. Having consistent and timely information will
help the hiring managers make fast decisions.
5. Group Interviews: Everyone
is busy and overworked, so when possible have a team-based approach to the
interviews. HR can craft questions for
each hiring manager or decision maker to ask and the interview can be done
jointly or on the same day. If travel or
locations pose a problem allow someone to video conference or skype in. The technology is there to help make this
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