August Accountability “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” -Thomas Paine Accountability and humility are traits that one might not see as such a tenacious asset to have in the workplace. More and more we hear of a "collective narcissism" sweeping the business world. Some say they are not surprised at this trend, and point fingers at a mainstream culture that supports unrealistic expectations, cutthroat competition, materialism, and self obsession. I am sure we all have worked in organizations where the daily practices of dishonesty, blame-shifting, and gaslighting are an accepted artform, and clients are treated like commodities. Whatever the cause of what seems to be an uprising in a culture of blame-shifting and un-accountability.. The house of cards is destined to crumble. Fostering a Culture of Accountability Though it seems like an extremely loft...
July Eyes on the Prize How do we keep our focus on our work in the sultry summer months full of celebrations, graduations, weddings, reunions, and vacations? As we are well aware of, many of us lose our focus on our work during the summer months. Recently, our office was gifted with an extra day off to celebrate the 4th of July Holiday, only to return to a lot of scattered co-workers and clients playing what seems to be a perpetual "catch up". What are some ways to stay focused on your business/your work during the summer? What are some ways to efficiently manage the growing list of duties to catch up on? 1. Plan out Your Day: It is a must to set daily goals and prioritize them in order of importance. In the evening, not only is it extremely helpful to set out your clothes, prepare your food, but it is also psychologically helpful to go over your calendar to ease your mind and produce better sleep resulting in a more productive and focused day. Whether you have a pl...